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Real Life Stuff

Alright, with there being not much Tigers news out there, I figured I’d touch on some “me” stuff.  I don’t do this too often so bear with me and while I have a request, it’s free and I’ll get to that in a moment.

At one point in time, I had dreams of becoming a full time blogger.  Those plans fizzled a bit when one of the big search engines put a gigantic hole in my business model.  So since the beginning of 2009, I’ve been focusing on what I went to school for and I restarted my CPA practice.  2010 has been a challenging year for me but despite those challenges, I’ve been able to grow my business.  Now in 2011, I’m looking to take it to the next level and grow things even further.

That’s where my requests come in.  Let’s start out small with just checking out (and liking if you’re interested) my Facebook business page. There you can keep up with the latest tax and accounting trends as well as check out what some of my clients are saying about me.

The other thing I ask is that if you or someone you know might need my services, please let me know.  I’ve been doing this for sixteen years now and while I’m not cheap, my clients feel they get their money’s worth (I don’t even know what the big tax prep firms charge these days but I know I’m competitive with them).  I’ll even review your last few years tax returns for free to see if you missed anything and have the chance for an extra refund and I have a generous referral program so even if you don’t need help, you can benefit from helping me out.  And if you don’t live in the Detroit area, I have a bunch of experience preparing tax returns remotely.  Some of the people that reviewed me on my Facebook page are people who live in different states and one I’ve never met in person (although I need to fix that).  The phone and internet can be wonderful things.  Ultimately, this is who I’m doing it all for (not Spider Man, the other one).  Having my own business gives me the time to focus on my son when I have him.

Thank you for bearing with me. Now back to our regularly schedule programming.

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