The Tigers want Carlos Guillen to stay past 2007. Carlos Guillen wants to stay with the Tigers until 2007. Now they just have to come to an agreement. The Tigers should be wary because while Guillen played most of 2006, he hasn’t been durable since his injury in 2004 (which also coincides with his breakout year). And he just turned 31 so he’s no longer a spring chicken either.
Regardless, if we can get Guillen to sign say, a three year extension with a home town discount, that would another huge coup for the Tigers front office.
And speaking of Carlos Guillen, will the trade the Tigers made for him (practically nothing) go down as the best in Tigers history. I think the trade that brought Dave Bergman and Willie Hernandez to Detroit is up there as is Rocky Colavito for Harvey Kuenn. Bondeman for Weaver (which is basically what it turned out to be) is a questionable one until Bonderman really has that breakout season.
If we traded Neifi for a bag a used balls that would be the best trade in Tigers history.
Don’t forget the R.Santiago/Neifi!/ptbnl and cash for Johan Santana deal. Wait… that didn’t happen? Dang.
--Posted by Thom on January 19th, 2007 at 3:47 am