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Comerica Park Stadium Renovation

It looks like changes are a foot at Comerica Park. You can check out the Free Press article here.

I’m not sure what the advantage is of moving the pens over to left field. I know they need to do something with the dead space they created when they brought in the walls, but I guess I’ll need to see it to really opine. The article is pretty vague, and I’m not sure if this means the fences are being moved in more, or even if they’ll be moved back. If it creates more bleachers, I’m all for it, because I think they need more cheap seats.

My biggest gripe with Comerica Park has always been how the grounds crew comes out from behind home plate, creating this big gap in the seats. They basically took away several prime seats by doing this.

Other then that, not a whole lot is happening. I wish everyone a safe and happy holidays.

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