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Since my son’s been born (hard to believe it’s almost been a year), I’ve rekindled my interest in baseball cards. I went back and looked up how much the book value of the 1971 Topps Set and though of how great it would have been to have sets since the year I was born. So I decided to not only fill the holes I have in my Topps sets, but to also buy my son the newest factory set every year just to keep the collection going.

I also decided to go back and try to either buy or build sets going back to my date of birth (i.e. the 1971 Topps set). I picked up a couple of 1979 Topps lots via ebay, and decided I needed a couple of 800 count boxes to keep the cards in, so on the way home one day I stopped at the local baseball card store.

And they were closed. For good. The store was empty. I had been in there only a few times, and most of what they had was overpriced compared to what I could get on ebay, so I opted for the cheaper route. While I’m not sure if they’re “Out of Business” or if they just decided to close their brick and mortar store and go the internet route, I got to thinking about how Ebay has basically destroyed the traditional baseball card shop.

I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. I spent a lot of time in my local card store (they had arcade games as well), so I have some fond memories. But I also don’t like playing sometimes 20% more (and tack on another 6% for sales tax) for something. So while I was a little sad to see the store as closed, it really doesn’t affect me. At all.

So now I have to find a new card store. If anyone could recommend one in Oakland County, I’d appreciate it.

As someone who remembers the days before Card Shops, I can tell you that they came and went in about 20 years. I can’t say I’m at all surprised they’re gone, and I have my doubts that they could have lasted, eBay or not. They tended to only be interested in high dollar cards, sets were sold based on HoF’ers and the notion of collecting cards for fun seem rather odd to many of the dealers I ran across over the years.

I sold my collection years ago as it was no longer fun. It was all about money, both from the dealers perspective (quite natural) and mine. This bothered me quite a lot. Can’t say as I miss it much, either.

Still, I wish I had my 1977 Mark Fidrych card. If only to remind me of a great season and time to be a Tigers Fan.

Posted by The Bench Jockey on May 23rd, 2005 at 9:45 am

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