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Looking for a Few Good Men, Again

I tried doing this at the beginning of the offseason, and it had moderate success, but I was wondering if anyone out there in cyberspace would like to write for the site. Steve B., who comments regularly and had one column up, was nice enough to volunteer last time, but due to computer issues, wasn’t able to write more regularly. I hope he’ll be willing to write again, but I’m also hoping to add more people. Basically I’d want volunteers for the following things:

Game Updates – Possibly the easiest, but the most time consuming, you’d be writing commentary on the Tigers as they play their season.

Minor League Update – Takes a little more digging, but I’d like something weekly or twice a week. Might be ideal for a Toledo resident.

AL Central Update – Weekly column. A little more broad of a subject, but I’d be looking for something once a week on the movers and shakers in the division.

And then maybe one or two additional weekly general columns. I’d then be able to focus a little more on the 1984 diary, possibly get my friend up and running on his Red’s blog, and pipe in with a weekly column of my own.

So, if any of this interests you, drop me a line. You get the benefit of having a modest number of people read your stuff, and if you ever decided to go off on your own, you’d have my full support in doing so.

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