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More on Yesterday’s Loss

A lot is being made about Tram’s decision to let Pudge swing away with runners on first and second in the bottom of the eighth. There was nobody out, and it seems lot of people thought he should have bunted the two runners over. Of course he flew out, and Dmitri Young then grounded into a double play, so in hindsight it looks like a bad move. But I think Tram made the right decision.

If it were Nook Logan, or someone closer to the bottom of the order, I’m confident Tram would have had them lay down the bunt. But this is Ivan Rodriguez, one of the greatest hitting catchers of all time, and a future Hall of Famer. And I haven’t been able to find the numbers, but I have a feeling that Pudge hasn’t done much bunting the last ten years.

Also, the bullpen was a disappointment again. It doesn’t show up in the box score other then as a blown save, but Jamie Walker gave up the go ahead single to Podsednick. The runners were Bonderman’s, so he took the hit to his ERA.

I fully agree with you that it makes a lot of sense for Pudge to be swinging away in that situation.
We are not talking about a player who is a so so hitter. This is a professional hitter who has broken games open many times in his career and is still a big threat. Good call on Tram’s part to be agressive.

Posted by Nook Logan Fan on April 22nd, 2005 at 12:09 pm

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