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Playoffs in the Modern Era

The Tigers are up 4-0 early. Good to see Higginson finally producing, because he has a three run shot. Ooops, spoke to soon. It’s 4-1.

I’m what they call a purist. I long for the days before 1969, when there were no playoffs, just a World Series. Each pennant winner was decided based on who finished best during the regular season, and a best of five initial series, where really anything can happen, didn’t control your fate. A lot of people might point to the fact that the wild card race in both leagues are very tight, but if we went to the “old” format, we’d know the best teams would be making into the series.

Based on this year’s standings, the Yankees and Cardinals would pretty much have things wrapped up. Of course the unbalanced schedule might cause a little big of havoc in the way things happen now, both of these teams would be well on their way to a World Series appearance. And for those of you who think it would make for a boring September, I say this year it would, but you just have to look at the outstanding pennant race in the American League in 1967 to show how exciting things could get. I touch on it a little bit in my 1968 story, but the Bobby Thomson’s shot heard round the world in 1951 is another great example. But as always, that’s my two cents.

A few months back, I was a little disappointed in the change in format AM1270 was going through. Gone in the morning was Don Imus, who I’d listen to on occassion. In came S&L, Mark Spindler and John Lund. I have to admit at first, I couldn’t get into the program, but it’s definitely growing on me. Their Top 5 at 8 is something I really enjoy listening too, and Mark Spindler is really getting more comfortable in the job. He obviously provides top notch football analysis, but at times in the past I thought his commentary on other sports was a little, well, not quite there. But I don’t know if he’s just more comfortable now, or if he’s been doing his homework, but he’s really gotten much better. Very eloquent in his analysis, it’s always nice to get a real athlete’s opinion on sports.

John Lund is probably the perfect partner to Mark Spindler. He really knows his stuff, and he’s pretty hilarious. The banter between the two has me laughing in the car, but when he wants to get serious, he can provide some top notch analysis. So if you get a chance, turn the dial to AM1270 in the morning and check them out on your drive into work.

Now it’s 4-2, and the bases are loaded. Maroth actually walked in a guy, and now a sac fly has made it 4-3. Talk about a nice lead going away in a hurry.

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