That last game versus Kansas City has been a major discomfort for me. I really didn’t like how they swung the bats and the overall malaise they seemed to exhibit in yet again losing another series to the Royals. At any rate, I had to question a Trammell decision in the 7th inning. When the first two batters got aboard with no outs, why bunt? Jaime Cerda had not been pitching anywhere near the plate so why give the Royals a sacrifice out in the inning when Cerda had yet to establish he might not walk Brandon Inge in that at bat. The inning fizzled from that point and I was disgusted. Nice pitching by Greinke, I don’t look forward to the Tigers facing him again this week. Our hearts and prayers should go out to all Floridians and the Tigers/D-Rays with the impending onset of the hurricane. I hope the Tigers remain safe.