Well, things are getting back to normal. For the first time in a few nights, we were able to sleep at our house, and have the AC on, which was nice.
Just to sort of help you visualize what happened, I was sitting at work, when the power flicked off, flicked back on, then went down for what would be in our case over 24 hours. I called my wife, and got her voice mail, and at this point, didn’t think too much of it. I decided I was stuck, so I tried calling my friend to bullshit, but again, couldn’t get through. Finally, I tried my house, which if the power was on, my answering would have picked up, which it didn’t. So I knew something widespread was happening.
Then, I really got worried when people starting talking about hour NY was out. Of course my first thought was of course terrorism. I’m still not thoroughly convinced it wasn’t, but at this point, if it was, we probably won’t know about it.
Friday was probably the scariest day because it was hot, muggy, and we had some really bad storms. My wife’s sister had gotten her power back on, but we were afraid to leave for fear out basement would flood without our sumpump on and the fact we’ve dropped several thousand dollars into our basement the last few months. Finally the storms subsided, and we made out way to my sister in law, and air conditioning.
About two hours after getting there, we found out our power had came back on. So we made the trek back home only to find out things had gone down again. This time my wife’s parents, who had just gotten their power back on, took us in and we spent the night in relative comfort. Saturday, things were relatively back to normal, and after getting a few things done yesterday, things are relatively back to normal.
And during this entire time, I had no idea what was (or is until I just checked) happening with the Tigers. Looks like they dropped their last game to Texas, and have now lost two straight to Anaheim. The Tigers are now right on pace to finish 42-120. What’s kind of funny is they’re still not technically eliminated from the either the division title (33 games back) or the wild card race (39 games back) with 41 games back.
Hopefully I’ll be able to get back on a more regular schedule tomorrow or Tuesday. Thanks for your patience.