Alright, the trivia contest starts up today and here are the final/comments rules so you know what to do. For participants, I’ll be posting a Tiger trivia question at the top of the hour at some time between noon and 10 pm Detroit time (Eastern Daylight Time). You then have one hour to send in your answer as well as your favorite Tiger site (excluding Tigerblog, since the only reason you’re here is to win $50 anyway) to There’s going to be some judgement on my end as far as the cutoff time and the emails so if you want to be safe, don’t send your answer right at the deadline if you can avoid it. Also, try to use the same email address throughout the contest. If you can’t, then make sure when you send an email from a second email address, that you let me know what the original email address was so I don’t count you as two people.
Bloggers are excluded, but they win if the participant who wins the challenge picks them as their favorite site. All I ask from you is that you don’t post the question or, more importantly the answer, on your site. You can tell them that the question is up and how much time they have though. I know I have no way of enforcing this but your help here would be very much appreciated.
You’ll get a question Monday through Friday this week, then Monday through Friday next week for a total of ten questions. Whoever answers the most questions wins $50 and their favorite Tiger site/blogger wins $50 as well. And of course you get the bragging rights because I’m hoping some of these questions will be pretty tough (with today’s being the easiest to get you started). If there’s a tie, there will be a sudden death playoff round the following week.
So good luck to everyone, and I hope you have fun.
[…] It’s now 1 pm so you have until 2 pm on May 24, 2007 to send your answer, as well the name of your favorite Tiger site, to For more information on the rules and the trivia contest, please click here. […]
--[…] Tiger site, to For more information on the rules and the trivia contest, please click here. Permalink | Posted in Tiger Trivia Challenge Post a […]
[…] « Tiger Trivia Challenge Begins Today | Tiger Trivia Challenge – Question One May 21st, 2007 | […]
--Posted by TigerBlog » Blog Archive » Tiger Trivia Challenge - Question One on May 21st, 2007 at 1:19 pm