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Tigerblog’s New Clothes

Hopefully everyone likes the new look, and that things are a little better organized. If you have any comments, be sure to let me know. Just some intial notes:

1) Up at the top you’ll find some quicker links to some the different areas of the site. Along with that, there’s a link heading over to John Perricone’s Only Baseball Matter’s Baseball and Steroids section. This is probably the biggest story of the year, and I’ve sort of shyed away from it (more out of ignorance), so be sure to head on over there and check things out.

2) On the right, there’s a section of links entitled Grousehouse links. These are sites my webmaster, Jay, at Grousehouse Media, handles. I’m not trying to build an All Baseball (not that what they’re doing is bad, I’m just not quite in that league), but I wanted to recognize what I’d consider brother sites.

I already mentioned John’s site, which most of you are aware of. The other site is going to be started by a friend of mine. Basically he’s a transplant at an early age, and had always been a Reds fan. He’s also been relentless in getting me to commit to doing a 1975 Reds Diary for him next year. I’m sure he’ll make me let you know when his site is active.

I’ve also added a bunch of links, and organized them by team. I didn’t put too much thought into this, but I wanted to find a blog for each team. If you’re not listed, it doesn’t mean I like someone else’s blog more than yours, it just means I haven’t ran across it yet.

And there are still a few bugs, so bear with me. If something isn’t working, let me know that as well.

Now, the Tigers. They smoked the Angels yesterday, sending Bartolo Colon home early yesterday. The final was 10-2. Mike Maroth went seven and threw a nice game. Higginson and Sanchez each had three hits, and Carlos Guillen reached base in all five of his plate appearances, scoring three runs.

And with that, the Tigers guarantee themselves a winning April. They’ve also gone the entire season without a three-game losing streak. Mike Maroth earned his third win of the season. He didn’t win his third game last year until June 30.

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