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Tigers Trivia Challenge – Rules, Tips and Prizes

Alright, baseball ended last week but I want to try to keep it alive.  If you’re a fan on my Facebook page, you’ve probably seen the trivia questions I’ve been posting.  Well, now it’s time to get serious. Beginning Monday, November 7, I’m going to kick off an off-season long trivia contest that will include mostly Tigers trivia but potentially some “Tiger related” trivia as well.  Even better, I have some stuff to give away to the winner and some consolation prizes to those that take part in the contest and do well.  First, let’s talk rules.  I’m hoping to get through everything here but if I miss something, I’ll be sure to update this page.

1)  On the morning of November 7, I’ll post the first question on the Tigerblog Facebook page.  If someone answers it by the next morning, then I’ll have a new question that day.  If nobody answers it, I’ll post a hint.  The next day, the same thing will happen until the question is answered.  After a few days, I’ll probably be getting pretty specific with the hints just to keep things going.  Be sure to read the question closely.  I don’t have data for every year so a lot of times you’ll find if it relates to a certain game, it only goes back to 1919.  You don’t want to guess wrong just because you didn’t read the question closely.

2)  One answer per question per person.  If you guess early and get it wrong, you get to watch everyone else whittle it down.  There’s some strategy here because if you’re on the fence on an answer, you have to weigh waiting for the next hint versus getting in early to get the point.

3)  Speaking of points, you get one point for each question you get correct.  Whoever has the most points when the Tigers open up their season on April 5th gets the top prize.  Nine others will get something as well.

4)  We’ll be taking the weekends off.  So if nobody answers Friday’s question (or carryover question), there won’t be a new question or hint until Monday.  That doesn’t stop you from guessing the answer to the question on a Saturday or Sunday, just everything else will be on hold.  There will also be some periodic breaks which I’ll announce.  Namely Thanksgiving weekend.

5)  I’m not going to commit to a time in the morning when the question or hint will be put up so be sure to check in from time to time.

6)  I think I covered most of what I needed to but in the event something comes up (someone finds a loophole somehow that I want to close or there’s just a hole I’m missing), I’m going to tweak the rules as neccesary.  Hopefully this doesn’t happen but I thought I’d throw it out there.

Alright, let’s talk about prizes…..

1st Prize – A copy of every Hardball Times Baseball Annual from 2006 through 2012 as well as your choice of either the Detroit Tigers Vintage World Series Films DVD or The Essential Games of the Detroit Tigers DVD.

2nd place through tenth place all sort of get the same prize with a twist.  They get their choice of the above DVD, availability permitting.  I have five of each and the higher place gets first choice and so on so if you’re at the bottom, you get what’s left.  I’ve watched the World Series DVD and it’s very cool (it has footage from 1945) and you just have to check out the details for the other DVD to see how great some of those games are.

So good luck and if you have any questions, post them in the comments.

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