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Tigers Win the Pennant?

I love it whenever the Tigers win.  And with the last few years, I’ll take all of the wins I can get so don’t take this the wrong way.  Driving home I listened to our local sports radio station (AM 1270) and you would have thought the Tigers won the World Series or something.  Ninety wins seemed almost a foregone conclusion to some of the people calling in.  And what do these people have to base this all on?

Two wins over one of the worst teams in baseball.  Today the Tigers manhandled the Royals.  Ivan Rodriguez had a stat line that looked like something out of a video game.  Five for five with a homerun and five RBIs, and he was a triple short of the cycle.  In all, five Tigers homered.  And Jeremy Bonderman looked good.  Eight strikeouts and only three hits in 6 2/3 innings.  Chris Spurling struck out one and Jamie Walker struck out two.

All good stuff, but we’re two games into the season.  I’m a huge proponent of what Sparky Anderson used to say.  Give me 40 games.  Then you’ll know who’s for real and who’s not.

The Tigers head to Texas so in my opinion, this will be their first true test.  This is a stacked lineup in a hitters park.  If the Tigers split the four game series and head into opening day with a 4-2 record, I’d be pretty happy.  More then that, and then I’ll get a little excited.

I’m not one to go over the top with predictions of Tigers success — I was always one of the lowball predictions on the ASBDT prediction contest (of course I was more right as well) — but as I look at this lineup, there is a chance — outside chance, admittedly — that they could score 900 runs this year. Both PECOTA and Shandler’s Baseball Forecaster projects every one of the nine main itters in the Tigers lineup to slug .398 or better. I’m not sure whether any other team can boast that. Taken together, their PECOTA projected SLG is .450.


Posted by Chuck Hildebrandt on April 6th, 2006 at 5:02 am

Bonderman looked “good”??
The guy was unhittable. I’m glad I have him on my fantasy squad. I still can’t believe he was taken out of the game.

Posted by Scott on April 6th, 2006 at 10:52 am

Chuck, the Tigers are not going to score 900 runs. Number one, the offense could be good, but not that good. Number two, they play in Comerica Park. Number three, they scored 723 runs last year (11th in the league). Their chances of tacking on 177 extra runs are astronomically small.

Also, Bonderman looked fantastic, but guess what? Reports are that he felt “something” in his elbow. That could be a big problem.

Posted by Dan on April 7th, 2006 at 10:01 am

And for the record, only the Red Sox have scored 900 runs the last two seasons, and you’re talking about some record breaking offenses. Unless they play the Royals 162 times, I’m not seeing it happening either.

Posted by Brian on April 7th, 2006 at 10:06 am

Chuck, let me just add, for the record, that I would love to be proven dead wrong about this. If the Tigers score 900 runs I promise I will happily come back to eat crow!

Posted by Dan on April 10th, 2006 at 6:50 am

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