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I guess some people could call me a snob, but for several years in the 1990s, I abhorred sports talk radio, despite being a huge sports fan. My friend would make me listen to WDFN in the car, and I thought in most instances, the people running the shows were pretty stupid, and the people who called in even more so.

So my drive home from work was limited to news talk radio, until the news talk station I listened to changed formats to sports talk, which is AM 1270. When this happened, drive home consisted of a show known as the Locker Room. Hosted by Eli Zaret, Gary Danielson (former Lion’s QB), and at the time, Kirk Gibson, the show had a much more local flavor that appealed to me. Over time, I grew to enjoy the show more and more, because the people interviewed were top notch, and the hosts did a great job of interviewing, asking tough questions without being idiotically obnoxious. For three years I listed to this show on the drive home.

And yesterday, as listening to the show, I come to find out that it’s being cancelled. They didn’t go into to much detail, but it sounds like it was a combination of things.

With this, my drive home from work becomes more of a chore. I’m confident that whoever they put on instead won’t be at the same level. But with that, I thank Eli Zaret (who’s book “84, The Last of the Great Tigers – Untold Stories From an Amazing Team” is a must read for Tiger’s fans), Gary Danielson, and Kirk Gibson for for putting a high quality sports radio show. They changed my opinion of sports talk radio, at least for a while.

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