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Tigers Unlikely to Get Free Agent Compensation

The list of Type A and Type B free agents was put out today and while this shouldn’t come as a huge surprise, there’s not many Tigers on the list.  The Tigers have no Type A free agents and the lone Type B free agents are Wilson Betemit and Magglio Ordonez.  I highly doubt Magglio Ordonez gets offered arbitration and I’m guessing with Brandon Inge already locked up for another year and guys like Don Kelly who can fill in when Inge is hurt (or bad) that Betemit isn’t offered it either.

Of course the Tigers should be buyers this off season so this list is important for a different reason.  Namely, the Tigers could potentially lose a pick or two depending on what they end up doing and who they pick up.

If I was advising Dave Dombrowski, I’d tell him to keep away from the Type A free agents unless their previous teams fail to offer them arbitration. There are plenty of Type B free agents who could help the Tigers, who simply need to make minor upgrades at a few positions. Players like Mark Buehrle, Frank Francisco, Aaron Hill and Ryan Doumit would fill some Tiger needs, and wouldn’t involve lost draft picks. I still would like to see the Tigers pick up a real lead off hitter, but that probably would need to be done through trade rather than free agent acquisition.

Posted by Randy LeVasseur on October 31st, 2011 at 10:52 pm

Isn’t Ramon Santiago a free agent?

Posted by Fred Emrich on November 1st, 2011 at 9:39 am

Agreed Randy. And Fred, Ramon is a free agent but not all players get a classification. With Santiago being a part time player, he’s not eligible for compensation. My guess is, with all of the question makes at second base, that he’s offered a deal.

Posted by Brian on November 1st, 2011 at 10:06 am

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